*** MC-202 Sample Pack, by Shawn Mativetsky *** shawnm@citenet.net or http://w3.citenet.net/noise/shawnm *** Check out my MC-202 page @ http://w3.citenet.net/noise/202/ *** And for tracked music: NOISE @ http://www.citenet.net/noise I made these samples using my Roland MC-202, with no effects. These are dry MC-202 sounds. Add your own fx if you want. All the samples are standard WAV files sampled at 16bits and at 22050 Hz. You are free to use these samples for non-commercial use. If you want to use the samples in a tune of yours, go right ahead, but I would appreciate it if you told me or sent me the tune so I could hear it! Also, please credit me for the use of the samples. Giving my MC-202 web address would be nice too :) If your song appears on an album or compilation....Then please ask my permission to use the sample first....Sending me a copy of the album would be nice too :) *** 202 Sample Pack #1, by Shawn Mativetsky *** shawnm@citenet.net or http://w3.citenet.net/noise/shawnm *** Check out my MC-202 page @ http://w3.citenet.net/noise/202/ --eof